The wellness challenge is complex!

You have probably tried helplines, yoga, meditation classes & apps, talks on mental health, healthy snacks, flex Fridays, campaigns to reduce stigma. And you have found it only helps up to a point.

That's because the complex workplace environment has not been addressed. People feel their workload is unsustainable; they have lost a sense of purpose and connection; they do not feel valued or safe to speak up or take risks; they have limited control over how they work; change is not clearly communicated, toxic behaviours may be tolerated.

A more systemic and cultural approach led from the top is required. That's what we help you to create and Unmind helps you to scale.

See our programs here

Exploring the real issues

Understand the current wellness and performance landscape in terms of stressors, behaviours, impacts, culture.


Understanding people's needs

Explore what it would take to build a thriving future for individuals, teams and the organisation.


Building wellness skills

Explore and challenge the capability, capacity and agency of individuals and teams to adopt new practices, metrics and ways of behaving to support a thriving culture.


Building a thriving workplace

Create specific, prioritised, supported individual, team and organisation wellness action plans to achieve the vision for a thriving future for people and organisation.

Thriving cultures are built on inter-personal skills

Awareness & Compassion
Presence & Connection
Inclusion & Belonging
Thriving culture
High performance
Great business!

Building thriving workplace capabilities

We build your people's relational capabilities to ensure a measurable and sustainable improvement in individual, team and organisational performance

See how we do it

Leading your wellness strategy from the front

  • Understand how wellness impacts our bottom line and reputation
  • Understand how leaders directly impact wellness of everyone
  • Understand how to create & maintain psychological safety
  • Learn how to be more mindful leaders

Learn how to manage your team's wellness

  • Learn about empathy, why it matters and how it affects others
  • Learn about psychological safety and how to build it
  • Learn how to spot signs of burnout due to workplace stress
  • Learn how to have compassionate conversations with colleagues
  • Learn how to listen deeply and connect through mindful dialogue

Learn wellness skills for busy people

  • Build awareness of how stress affects you and those around you
  • Find out exactly how resilient you are and how to build resilience
  • Use our yoga or mindfulness classes to manage your emotions better
  • Learn how to facilitate peer support groups for colleagues
  • Learn how you contribute to belonging, inclusion and psychological safety

Addressing all 5 Inner Development Goals


Relationship to self

Our work starts from presence, self-awareness & openness


Cognitive Skills

To make better decisions and build stronger relationships we have to take perspective and let go our need to control complexity


Caring for others and the world

Compassion for ourself and others and deep connection are at the heart of everything we do


Social Skills

Inclusion, belonging and collective wisdom emerge when we listen deeply and trust emergence


Driving Change

We cultivate the courage to speak our truth mindfully to create positive change

Want to discuss how we could help?

We'll reach you out to arrange a short conversation about how we can support you
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